About the Model

QuEC-QuEC (Quantifying Ecological Connections for Quick Evaluation of Coral reefs) is an individual-based Lagrangian biophysical model that simulates the connectivity between coral reefs for a range of larval characteristics and spawning periods. It was written in Java and utilized the MASON simulation toolkit.

It was designed to be similar to other larval dispersal models like the Connectivity Modeling System, that incorporated important characteristics in larvae such as: buoyancy, vertical migration, spawning, mortality, and horizontal swimming behavior. You can find the paper here.

Hydrodynamic input is a time series of the daily global Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Reef cells were derived from the UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) coral reef database.

A user-friendly GUI has been created for QuEC-QuEC to make it easy to explore various connectivity scenarios. Please check the How To tab to get you acquainted with the various parts of the model and how to run it.

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Using QuEC-QuEC for Education

QuEC-QuEC is a tool that can be used to explain and illustrate a variety of ecological and oceanographic concepts. We are developing modules for different education levels that can be used for interactive and critical thinking. Stay tuned and check on the main BiOME QuEC-QuEC page for more information!

What is connectivity?

Connectivity is the exchange of individuals between populations which results from processes involving larval production, transport by currents, larval behaviors, and post-settlement condition. Maintaining connectivity within and between protected areas is essential in biodiversity conservation and ecological resilience.